How to Approve or Reject Hours After Your Consultant has Adjusted Rejected Hours
You will receive an e-mail notification stating your consultant has submitted a timesheet for approval. Click on the blue hyperlink stating click here to login to OxTC.
Login to the Time Entry & Timesheet Approver Site by entering your User ID and Password.
Once you are logged in you can approve hours two ways. You can approve the hours from the Timesheet Pending Approval page. You do this by clicking in the box next to the consultant's name and then clicking the button.
The second way to approve a revised timesheet is from the consultant's detailed timesheet page.
To view any notes you or your consultant have entered on the timesheet simply click on the + folder to the left to the Timesheet Notes section.
If you would like to approve the hours listed then click on button.
Once you click on the button you will be brought to a page to confirm the approved consultants hours. You can confirm the approved hours by clicking Yes.
Once you click on the YES button you will be brought to a page to confirm the timesheet has been approved. Click OK.
If the hours are still incorrect follow the same steps listed under the How to Reject a Timesheetsection.
For questions or assistance call your Oxford Account Manager or Recruiter.
For technical support or after hours assistance please call the OxTC Help Desk at (866) 826-3323.